From Stressed to Sabbath Rest: For Super Sheroes Who Do Too Much

“This project helps Christian women with an unhealthy strong Black ideal, who are struggling in mind, body, spirit, and relationships move from floundering to flourishing utilizing an Ignatian-inspired, arts-based, soul-care program. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Patrice Gerideau Patrice Gerideau LLC Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

While strength is an admirable strength, in Black women, it often has become a liability. According to Cheryl L. Woods-Giscombe, the unhealthy version of a strong Black woman has (1) an obligation to manifest an image of strength; (2) an obligation to suppress emotions; (3) resistance to being vulnerable or dependent; (4) determination to succeed despite limited resources; and (5) an obligation to help others. Christ didn’t mean for Black women to do it alone or do it all. My goal for this project is to create and maintain the conditions for women to experience God’s presence, hear God’s voice, and respond to God’s call to heal, grow, and flourish in Christ. Through an arts-based Ignatian-inspired retreat, I seek to create a safe, nurturing, spiritual space for Black women to unburden; remove their masks; be transparent; receive support and understanding; build sisterhood; create healthy boundaries; deal with hurt; reconnect with God; and experience God’s love and care. The transformation that I am proposing is built on three components (1) Contemplative Spirituality; (2) Sisterhood Community; and (3) Soulful Storytelling. My overall goal is to help Black women use the power of contemplative spirituality to explore their inner world and cultivate a balanced life in Christ focused on soul care versus self-sacrifice.