Latinx Theologies and Religious Pluralism

“…our understandings of “religious pluralism;” moreover, how have Latinx theologies contested and reframed our very notion of “religion” itself? ”

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Jacqueline Hidalgo Williams College Contact Me

About this sabbatical grant for researchers

This book is already under contract with the Fortress Press/Rowman & Littlefield series, “Disruptive Cartographers: Remapping Theologies Latinamente” (ed. Carmen Nanko-Fernández and Gary Riebe-Estrella), a series that remaps key theological and religious studies vocabulary from the perspective of Latinx Catholic scholarship and histories. Because Latinx lived religiosities often grow out of religiously mixed families, multiple religious affiliations, and hybrid religious practices undertaken at the margins of and outside of institutional churches, I approach this volume as an opportunity for rethinking the limits and possibilities of the very category of religion among different Latinx Catholic communities, the legacies of religion and religious identification as a product of Latinx experiences with Spanish and U.S.A. colonization, and the complex ways that contemporary Latinxs identify as “Catholic” while relating to and engaging other traditions. Many Latinxs have lived interreligiously, practicing among and between religious traditions while also practicing hybrid traditions (for instance, Day of the Dead practices in ethnic Mexican communities). In fact, Latinx histories reveal how Catholics more broadly rely on interreligiosity.

A book that focuses specifically on Latinx Catholic religious pluralism amid histories and practices of Latinx religious hybridity is long overdue. My hope is that this book can complicate our sense of religious pluralism and multiple religious affiliations among Latinxs while providing an entry point for students of Latinx Catholicism to weigh the tensions that can surround negotiations of religious belonging and mixture among different Latinx populations and within the Catholic church more broadly.