Intentional Team Ministry: Enjoying God Together

Team Members/Contributors

Deborah E. Warren Second United Presbyterian Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

This project will explore how the pastors and members of multiple churches can intentionally work together to provide mutual support, enhance programs, expand mission, and maximize resources while maintaining their individual congregational identity.

Our shared ministry among three smaller congregations and their pastors functions much like a multi-staff in larger congregations. The three pastors and congregations remain separate in governance, however, we share experiences in worship, fellowship and mission that allow the congregations to enjoy the distinct gifts of three pastors, not just one. The congregations also come to know and support one another.

We have seen this model evolve and succeed over six years. Our project’s goals are to create tools and guidelines that can be shared with other congregations. We will be exploring ways that pastors and congregations can get connected initially, and then discover ways to stay connected that are comfortable, useful, and mutually beneficial.

The theological basis for our project is the example of Jesus in choosing to work with disciples and his sending them out in pairs. The ecclesiastical challenge is the rising number of small churches that are struggling to survive. The pastoral imperative is to counteract the destructive isolation of churches and pastors.