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Dennis Scheibmeir First Presbyterian Church, Larned KS Contact Me

About this sabbatical grant for pastoral leaders discontinued

In my 50th year of life, in my 7th year of pastoral ministry, I greatly desire to take a sabbatical which would refresh and encourage the ministry that was begun here, at First Presbyterian Church of Larned, KS. The primary loci of the two-month sabbatical would be 1) at a center intended for education and trips around Galilee, located on the road between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, and 2) a Benedictine retreat center in Nebraska intended for spiritual renewal. I intend to focus upon growing in faith in the locations mentioned in the Bible, learning more of the Christian history, and having a personal experience of the places, allowing for pastoral imagination to be enhanced. I will read, write, and reflect on the experiences, and intend to share these experiences with the congregation and my colleagues in ministry. My context is a small rural community with few full-time pastorates, and I am a solo pastor very involved in the community. The population continues to decrease as older generations move to their eternal reward. It would be nearly impossible to take a sabbatical without a grant, as the congregation does not have additional funds to spare. It gives me joy to even think of the opportunity, so I thank you for your ministry of offering hope.