Faith And Leadership For Protesting Injustice

“A study in faith and servant-leadership for protesting injustice. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Judy Logan Austin Proverbs Christian Fellowship Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

George Floyd was murdered by a former Minneapolis police officer near the intersection of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue. The intersection, George Floyd Square (GFS) and the surrounding city blocks became known as the autonomous zone. GFS became a place to mourn, memorialize, and protest lives lost unjustly.

In the beginning days of the uprising and protest, no person led the movement. Community members did what they could—march, hold space in the intersection, facilitate daily meetings, organize mutual aid, feed the community, sweep the streets, preserve the offerings, craft 24-demands for justice, provide medical care, organize prayer vigils, and etcetera. However, when asked by people outside the community who was the leader of these efforts, community members pointed to a few people in particular. Those people occupied no official title as a leader. They emerged from the group of community members as people who influenced others in the pursuit of justice for George Floyd and the Floyd family.

The project seeks to understand the extent faith in God, and an understanding of Servant Leadership, impacted these emergent leaders in George Floyd Square.