How Are You "Being?" Clergy Self-Care During a Time of Anxiety and Uncertainty: Some Implications the Church and Its Future Leadership

“Clergy self-care is not selfishness but vital to flourishing in ministry. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Frederick Jerome Streets The Dixwell Avenue Congregational United Church of Christ Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

How Are You "Being?" Clergy Self-Care During a Time of Anxiety and Uncertainty: Implications for the Church and Its Future Leadership

Attention is often given to what the clergy "do". Clergy have shared with me their stories about the stresses they are experiencing in their profession. Particularly, how the impact of the pandemic and social unrest continues to adversely affect their emotional, physical, spiritual, and cognitive well-being. Their sense of "being" grounded in a healthy self-esteem and satisfaction with their calling as minister is burdened by their having deep feelings of being wounded and experiencing hidden grief and mourning. They struggle to engage in self-care and to theologically frame their understanding of self-care as something positive and healthy, not selfishness. This project explores various dimensions of supporting clergy self-care. At the conclusion of the project, participants will be offered a complimentary workshop on developing self-care skills and reflecting on ministry.