Focus off the Family

“Christianity is radical in its teaching that baptism, not biology, is what constitutes the family of God and, yet, the childless and childfree are some of the most ostracized from it. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Erin Steffen Lane Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

Women who do not or will not have a biological child—the subject of this project—can find themselves outside a focus on the natural family and therefore, sometimes, outside of North American churches. While the number of childless women has grown since the 1970’s, it’s hard to know if pastoral leaders’ understanding of their unique pains, pleasures, and purposes has grown alongside them. The little that we do know shows that involvement in religious activities often provides social affirmation of parenthood and social sanctions for those deviating from childbearing norms, suggesting the need for further research behind why this so and how this is experienced in congregational life. Inspired by my own experience of being biologically childfree, I plan to find other women who are discerning their non-procreative purpose, to collect and contextualize their stories of (dis)belonging to Christianity, and to glean their wisdom on best practices for embracing kinship of all kinds in our communities—the results of which will be compiled into a forthcoming book. If pastoral leaders do not learn how to create more welcoming community for women like me, not only will they diminish their ability to attract, retain, and support a new generation of members, but they will also diminish their ability to preach a Gospel that says we belong to one another not by flesh and blood but through a spirit of adoption.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
Someone Other Than a Mother 2022 Book Erin Steffen Lane