Permaculture and the Church's Response to Climate Change

“Can watching and mimicking nature’s wisdom of building soil, holding rainwater, storing sunlight, and valuing mutuality guide us to the church’s core mandate of enhancing community equity and resilience? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Craig C. Schaub Parkway United Church of Christ Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

What is the unforced connection between permaculture ethics and Christian tradition? This study will inquire, capture, organize, and share the wisdom of the growing movement of faith communities using the teaching of permaculture in space design and food production. This wisdom may not only build practical, ecological skills, but act as metaphor for re-imaging social connections congregations have with their wider communities. Through Skype interviews, hands-on encounters, and local pilot workshops, this project will develop resources for the church to animate apparent symbiosis between Biblical reflection, spiritual practice, and permaculture strategy.

We will create, with the support of certified permaculture designers and trainers, a digital field guide for congregational retreats. These retreats will strive for the goal of building community resilience and embodied theological hope in the age of climate crisis. The retreats will be especially designed for relationship-building between young people and those of generations more often involved with congregational life.