Discovering the Theological Principles of Discovery

“…the Doctrine of Discovery if the theological principles that enabled or framed the support of the doctrine are still part of our biblical hermeneutic? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Mark Tremblay Knox Presbyterian Church, Calgary Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

The Doctrine of Discovery and being Christian are identified as the source of domination. What are the Christian theological principles supporting the Doctrine of Discovery?

The Doctrine of Discovery can be understood as a set of legal arguments along with religious and cultural behaviors and assumptions which gave rise to the idea of European sovereignty. This cultural arrogance expresses itself as superiority over non-European peoples and justifies the ‘discovery’ of undeveloped/ uninhabited land.

The World Council of Churches and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) have called for the repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery. Many Communities of faith have or are looking to repudiate the doctrine. What are those principles that also need to be repudiated that support the Doctrine?

Calgary, Alberta, stands on Treaty 7 made in 1875 between the Government of Canada and The Blackfeet Confederacy.

In legal, philosophical and theological contexts the idea of European sovereignty, arrogance, has been used to justify colonial actions. It is time to identify those principles that have been used to support such thinking so that 1) repetition of past wrongs may not be repeated and 2) to enable real reconciliation with indigenous peoples.