Investigating the Impact of the United Methodist Polity Regarding Homosexuality on a Rural New Mexico Congregation

“…What is the impact of the United Methodist polity regarding homosexuality on a rural New Mexico congregation? ”

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About this pastoral study project

The local church involved in this research project is First United Methodist Church Portales located in Portales, New Mexico, population 12,000. This congregation is 119 years old and is made up of predominantly White members with a small percentage of Black and Hispanic members. The average Sunday service attendance is 110. The average member’s age is 55-60.

The United Methodist Church is currently facing a schism over issues involving human sexuality. It’s polity on human sexuality has caused some conflict within our own local church over who should be allowed to become a member. It has created a need for dialogue. We will gather data to determine how this rural local church is navigating homosexuality biblically, theologically, and practically within the United Methodist tradition.

The research protocol will be to conduct blind surveys and personal interviews, utilize adaptive methods, and complete a comparative analysis on other rural Methodist churches in the area. Our ministry goal is to provide a safe space for all perspectives to be heard and valued. We plan to document personal experiences and beliefs from members on all sides of this issue in order to develop a better understanding of how to move forward in unity.