Facing History with Courage: Settler Churches Building Capacity for Restorative Solidarity with Indigenous Neighbors

“… identity and immigrant history; critically revising our theological and communal narratives; and exploring the impact of intergenerational trauma? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Elaine Enns Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission has ushered in a new era of Indigenous-Settler relations in North America. This project believes that churches have the capacity and the responsibility to provide opportunities for members to grow in their discipleship by embracing the hard work of improving relations with Indigenous neighbors. My recent studies focused on impediments to embracing historical “response-ability” among Mennonite Settler descendants in the Canadian prairies, including issues of: “egoism of victimization”; self-legitimating myths, distortions and silences in communal narratives; impacts of intergenerational trauma; and lack of critical historical awareness. I propose to take my analysis and findings and develop strategies for building capacity and motivation in congregations that are trying to engage the issues named above. I will refine, expand and test this work in churches beyond the Anabaptist tradition and Canadian context through five primary avenues: workshops with congregations and faith organizations; a research trip for further conversation and work with Canadian TRC activists; public talks and articles; a training for trainers; and a book project.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
  ‘My Loss is Your Loss’ 2017 Magazine Article Elaine Enns
November 2017
Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization 2021 Book Elaine Enns
Ched Myers