Latin Faith: The Final Frontier. What impact is it having on the growth culture of the church in the U.S.?

“…has been reignited. The Latin faith community is the impetus for rediscovering the best practices that positively impact the US church growth culture. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Sergio Romero Allegheny West Conference Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

The post modern culture in America nurtures a sense of relativism that cripples the expansion of the Christian church in United States. The Latin Christian faith community may be the final frontier that offers hope for a church growth culture in decline. The effective chronicling of best practices influencing the church in America by the Latin Christian community holds vital elements that will inspire and perpetuate current healthy models for the future. My project will capture these ideals in a 30 minute documentary that details the crafting of Latin influence on American church culture. The church in America must couple its great resources with the juggernaut style relational approach of Latin church leaders and members to forge a new path for future growth. This project will disseminate clearly the core principles at work in the revitalization of the American church because of Latin influence. Decades ago the gospel of Christ was shared by North American missionaries in Central and Latin America. As in reverse osmosis the American Church is now reaping the purity of power in that very same gospel largely because of faithful Latin persons immigrating to the United States. The impact of this project does not just have implications for the corporate church body but the individual Christian as well.