"Pursuing Peace in the Midst of Violence"

“… the church; moreover, Christians, who are called to seek the welfare of the city and protect the vulnerable, are in danger of losing their identity. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Tammy R Williams First Baptist of Cranford/Elizabeth, NJ Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

"How and why should one make and sustain peace in a violent society?" The question is momentous inasmuch as some Christians accept violence as the norm in American society and are complacent about challenging it. However, because Christians are called to be peacemakers, confronting violence becomes a matter of Christian discipleship. But how does one pursue peace as a way of life? I offer "just peacemaking" as a model that transcends the justice/peace divide, and demonstrates that peace can flourish in communities that insist on and pursue the fruits of justice: decent housing, good education and security. As a dynamic paradigm, it can be enacted in four steps: Listening to persons share their own experiences of violence, garnering research regarding its prevalence, teaching theologies of nonviolence that the answer the "why" question, and equipping youth and adults with the dispositions, tangible skills, and hands-on practices of peacemaking. These steps can enable communities to experience transformation. Moreover, by producing a curriculum that can be incorporated in Bible studies, VBS, and adult education classes, and implementing monthly youth mentoring sessions that reinforce the principles of nonviolence, peacemaking can become an integral part of the church's theology and practice.