Forgetting the Former Things

“…, in conversation with biblical texts, heighten the church's understanding and lead to a liberating theology for persons with cognitive challenges? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Tamara Puffer Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

Few books have been written about theology and disability, and none that I'm aware of have been written by a brain injury survivor. I intend to weave my personal experience of brain injury with biblical texts on wilderness, healing, and vulnerability. I hope that my book will both encourage survivors to recognize that there is a place for them in the church, and educate pastors and laypeople about the gifts and struggles of those of us with cognitive challenges. I also intend to organize an educational forum, a public space where survivors can tell their stories and listeners can increase their understanding of brain injury.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
Forgetting the Former Things: Brain Injury’s Invitation to Vulnerability and Faith 2019 Book Tamara Puffer
Joyce C Hollyday