A Guest of the Qur'an

“A deep encounter with the Qur’an, drawing on spirituality and interfaith studies, can enrich the church’s efforts at interreligious dialogue. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Michael Birkel Earlham School of Religion Contact Me

About this sabbatical grant for researchers

This interdisciplinary project proposes to bring together Christian spirituality and interfaith studies, to enrich the possibilities for interfaith understanding by reading the Qur’an with both scholarly and spiritual intent, anticipating the possibility of a spiritual encounter. Research for a previous book, along with social changes, showed me the need to take interfaith dialogue deeper and the possibilities of using scripture to do this. I propose to read the Qur’an as a scholarly and spiritual guest. That means, first, that I will read the Qur’an slowly, deeply, and repeatedly – in Arabic and in English translation – as well as immerse myself in scholarly and traditional commentaries on the text. Secondly, it means that I will bring to bear the attitudes and practices of lectio divina, listening for where the text speaks to me spiritually. Such a reading does not mean that I intend to convert. Instead, it means that I intend to visit the sacred text of Islam as a guest, open to learning from the hospitality of my host. The resulting book, then, based on my personal encounter with the text, will offer reflections on the possibilities and risks of this approach – for individual believers, for the church, and for the world at large.