Questing: Young Adult “Nones” and Initiatory Processes in the Church

Team Members/Contributors

Michael C Coffey First English Lutheran Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

The project is a study of the spiritual lives of young adults who are “nones” disconnected from faith communities, and the communal, personal, and ritual processes that can open up avenues of spiritual formation with them. The study includes readings in worship, ritual studies, history and development of initiatory/catechumenate processes, spiritual formation for young adults, and cultural changes for young adults in the United States in the 21st century.

The study will make use of personal interviews with young adults in Austin, Texas, who are no longer, or have never been, connected to a faith community. Austin is a prime city for this study because of its large population of young adults attracted to the cultural, intellectual, creative, and physical landscape.

The study also includes travel to congregations engaging in transforming ministries with young adults to experience their ministries and interview leaders.

The project will lead to a proposed process for creating a barrier-free space for young adults to explore questions of faith and meaning, and include ritual processes that make use of current catechumenate forms with a greater sense of artistic exploration and ritual depth, informed by the emerging church movements, studies of initiation rites, and participant experimentation.