“The sacred” lies at the heart of many religions, Christianity included, yet communities and theologies disagree as to both the nature of the sacred and the most likely places in which it may be encountered. Within Christian thought and practice, there is a split between those who consider places to be sacred or secular/common (e.g., Roman Catholicism) and those who consider all places/spaces to be equally sacred/common (e.g., Calvinism). With the latter, it is disputed whether any physical place or object can be sacred or whether every place and object is inherently sacred. In recent years, the process of disenchantment and desacralization coupled with the rise of the “nones” has further effaced the perception of the sacred. Via historical and contemporary investigation of the sacred, this study project will investigate what strategy best restores a sense of the sacred and draws contemporary people into encounter with God, especially through sacred space and place. How does one shape physical space to evoke the sacred? If God/the sacred is to be found within the created world – whether built environment or wild nature, what evokes the sacred and leads to encounter in our increasing anthropocene world?