Loving Community is Healthy Community: Exploring the Faith Practice of Community Building as a Resource for Health

Team Members/Contributors

Kirsten Peachey Advocate Health Care/Center for Faith & Community Health Transformation Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

My project begins with two assumptions: Human relationships are powerful drivers of the health and well-being of both individuals and communities and congregations are places where powerful relational activity happens naturally and organically as a fundamental part of everyday faith practice. In this study, I explore how congregations live out the practice of community-building, how they understand this activity theologically, and to what extent they apply this activity intentionally. My purpose is to begin to imagine how to mobilize the unique relational capacity of congregations to transform the health of our communities in more creative and authentic ways. This inquiry will take place through in-depth study of four diverse congregations and through conversation across the faith and health movement, both in person and through blogs and social media. The study will culminate in a liturgical gathering to examine the collective wisdom generated by the process. Outcomes will be distilled into a study guide that can be used for congregational study, health ministry training, and on-going exploration of the questions that emerge from the study. My hope is that this project will deepen the ways in which faith practice and theological inquiry is applied to address the social conditions that impact the health of our communities.