A Conspicous Gospel: A Manifesto for the Modern Expression of the Christian Faith

Team Members/Contributors

William A. Golderer Broad Street Ministry/Arch Street Presbyterian Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

While the demands of imagining and overseeing redevelopment ministries in three very different contexts continues to inspire me, I am seeking necessary "balcony space" for reflection and space to develop a new platform for communicating the Gospel. Through this study grant, I aim to produce a modern Gospel manifesto which could enliven the witness of the faithful currently within churches while enagaging the objections of those currently outside the embrace of the church regarding the efficacy of the Christian faith in a modern world. The goal is to articulate a constructive and appealing case for the Gospel that is compelling, contemporary, critical, and evangelical. The project, A Conspicous Gospel, will produce manuscripts that can be converted into book form or be produced in a TED talk type format (TED.com). To create this work, I will draw upon individuals who range from activists to bond traders, from songwriters to former inmates. These original 'actors' helped create these dynamic Christian communities from within once-moribund churches. With their help I will formulate a cultural commentary on select Gospel stories and weave them together with stories that emerged from these urban communities. The discreet pieces when assmbled will highlight the transformation experienced by believers and nonbelievers through their entanglement with the Gospel story and illuminate a dynamic and demanding path for discipleship for those living in the grip of the postmodern age.