Having received the 2015 Pendle Hill Cadbury Scholarship and the 2015 Swarthmore College Moore Fellowship, I will conduct research in the Swarthmore and Haverford College Quaker History Collections while residing at Pendle Hill, a Quaker Study Center, September through December 2015. These special collections contain minutes of the Yearly Meetings that initiated and supported the Quaker Indian schools, as well as letters, journals, and reports by the Friends who managed and taught in the schools and Friends who visited the schools in oversight capacity. In addition, I will visit the sites of some of the Quaker Indian schools in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Ohio, review historical records there and interview Quakers and Native people in the regions. These initial visits may point toward more in-depth research possibilities as well as opportunities for relationship-building with Native communities.
Beginning in January 2016, with support from the Louisville Institute, I will write articles for Quaker publications (e.g., Friends Journal), academic papers for presentation at conferences (e.g., the Conference on Quakers and American Indians from 1650s to the 21st Century in November 2016), and power point presentations to be given at Quaker and Native American gatherings (e.g., Friends General Conference, Native American Rights Fund).