African-American Pauline Hermeneutics: Reception and Transformation

Team Members/Contributors

Lisa Bowens Princeton Theological Seminary Contact Me

About this first book grant for scholars of color

This project explores African-American Pauline hermeneutics, that is, the interpretation and use of Pauline scripture, language, and tradition, all of which have impacted the lives of African-Americans in religious thought and experience and have been employed by them to resist oppression and dehumanization. This research endeavors to bring together the copious portrayals and interpretations of Paul found in African-American writings from the 1700s to the present, and to analyze them in light of black history and as hermeneutical tools for the art of biblical interpretation. It also seeks to contribute to a greater understanding of the intricate links between history and hermeneutics, given the oppressive historical context within which many of these interpreters operated. Outcomes of this work include bringing more attention to African-American Pauline hermeneutics by the New Testament field and at the same time demonstrating a relationship between contemporary Pauline hermeneutics and African-American Pauline hermeneutics. Additional goals encompass providing material for an ongoing dialogue between Paul and African-Americans as well as forefronting black interpretations of Pauline writings as necessary sources for reception history and the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Pauline epistles.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation 2020 Book Lisa Bowens