North American Odyssey

Team Members/Contributors

Cresencio Casimong New Life Alliance Church Contact Me

About this sabbatical grant for pastoral leaders discontinued

Reconnect, Recuperate and Retool are words that summarize my sabbatical.

In reconnecting, to regain for lost times I will spend one month with my wife and my three children and explore North America from its majestic Rocky Mountain to the Little Havana in Miami, Florida. I will also have a chance to reconnect with the Alliance family as we fellowship with them along the way. This North American Odyssey trip will allow me to see God's creation while restoring my perspective that ministry begins at home. I call it an Odyssey because together with my family, this is a spiritual quest in once again sensing God’s presence in the everyday.

In order to recuperate, to rekindle my passion for God and to have a renewed sense of God's calling in my life and ministry, I plan to attend two one-week retreats on prayer and reflection. I enjoy nature and will spend time hiking and golfing. I will also plan to have personal and marriage counseling.

In retooling, I hope to renew my passion and energy for preaching by taking a one-week module course on preaching.

I hope to restore my awareness of God's presence in the everyday life. Throughout my sabbatical I will keep a daily journal and use the Examen to restore my awareness of God’s presence.