"My Mother Is My Grave’: A Transpacific Sinophone Reading of Necropolitical Trauma in Jeremiah’s Confessions"

“A transpacific Sinophone reading of Jeremiah’s Confessions unwinds the politics of love and unveils the horror of the gaslighting of multiple empires ”

Team Members/Contributors

Xenia Chan St Michael's-Regis College Contact Me

About this dissertation fellowship

This dissertation brings together transpacific and Sinophone studies into conversations with biblical studies to nuance current use of trauma theory in biblical studies. This dissertation reads Jeremiah’s Confessions from a transpacific Sinophone location by counterposing the Confessions with Sinophone music. This reading nuances current biblical studies’ use of trauma theory to consider seriously this reading from the underbelly of empire, one that articulates that melancholia and haunting as the consequence of the colonial consciousness and allows for the opportunity to examine instances of individual trauma within that larger web of social, political, and cultural relations embedded within coloniality. This investigation is significant from the perspective of biblical studies insofar as it contributes a new perspective and opens new avenues of trauma/disaster studies within current scholarship. Further, this dissertation mediates access to Jeremiah’s Confessions for transpacific Sinophone communities by speaking to their aspirations to understand the scriptures better from their own perspective.