The Role of Religion in Non-Religious Settings: Meaning Systems and Environmental Conflict in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Team Members/Contributors

Justin Farrell University of Notre Dame Contact Me

About this dissertation fellowship

How do religious meaning systems motivate human action in settings that are ostensibly non-religious? This project uses the case of environmental conflict in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) — a hotbed of moral contestation — to demonstrate that what on the surface may appear to be conflict over science, technocracy, or utilitarian economic interests is in fact driven by conflicting religious and spiritual beliefs that are integral to deeply held cultural meaning systems. To do this, the project uses a multi-method approach, drawing on both quantitative (e.g. census data, surveys) and qualitative (e.g. in-person interviews, ethnography) data. These data demonstrate that the role of religion is not obviously apparent in the institutions or organizations in the GYE; rather, a re-embodied form of Christianity exists beneath the surface in the symbols, moral discourse, values, and beliefs that permeate GYE culture and profoundly affect policy efforts. By “surfacing” the key role of the sacred, spiritual, and Christian dimensions of what is ordinarily considered to be a technical or economic problem, my research powerfully demonstrates ways that understanding religion must be brought to bear on seemingly non-religious issues.

Findings from this dissertation challenge secularization theories by expanding the definitional bounds of “religion”, and lead us to find the influence of religion in places where we least expect. Moreover, because one of the central goals of this project is to demonstrate empirically that modern environmentalism is a re-embodied form of Christianity, this project will identify common theological ground upon which congregations, seminaries, and para-church organizations can work with secular environmental organizations to solve environmental problems.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
The Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict 2015 Dissertation Book Justin Farrell