Crucial Limits: Creating a Moral Injury Assessment and Support System for Health Care Workers in a Covid Era

“If "covida-life" is the possibility of flourishing life post CV-19, the church is called to morally and theologically address the crucial limits faced by healthcare workers in potentially morally injurious triage situations now. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Lisa Nichols Hickman Myers Park Presbyterian Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

With over 18 million health care workers in the United States, a potential mental health crisis is looming for those workers faced with moral decision-making in triage situations during the Coronavirus pandemic. These public servants are faced with “crucial limits” that have the potential to create invisible wounds similar to those faced by Veterans suffering from Moral Injury. As a community partner, churches are a vital resource to come alongside those suffering to offer theological reflection and moral re-formation in light of the cross. While resources for assessment are readily available for returning Veterans, these resources such as a Moral Injury Inventory, graphic schemas, and questions for assessment, reflection and support are not readily available in a healthcare setting. The aim of this pastoral study project is to develop these resources and test them within a working study group. With guidance from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theological reflection in “Creation and Fall” and the concept of “limit” in Disability studies, the notion of “crucial limits” will be offered post-assessment to guide healing after moral crisis. Addressing this moral crisis immediately aims to reduce stress reactions, shame, compulsive behaviors, suicidal ideations and relational withdrawal offering instead a framework for reflection and healing.