God of the People: A Latino/a Theology

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Peter Joseph Casarella Notre Dame Contact Me

About this sabbatical grant for researchers

During my sabbatical in 2014-2015, I will write a book on the idea of God in Latino/a Christian theology and experience: “God of the People: A Latino/a Theology.” A variety of factors makes it timely to pursue this investigation. First, Latino/a theology has from its inception challenged conventional understandings of the “American” people and has anchored these critical claims in a Biblical and theocentric approach to a social and personal reality not circumscribed by borders. Second, Latino/a theology has started from the social praxis of Hispanic Christians and has claimed its own “theopoetics” in such practices. Third, Latino/a theology has claimed a highly dynamic and socially imbedded concept of tradition, one that still fosters a dialogue with what earlier traditions said about the doctrine and experience of God. In this respect I will focus on the problem of translation as it is encountered not only on the semantic level but also on the cultural, cognitive, and existential level. I will thereby assess how traditional models of God and language have dealt with this issue in order to make a constructive proposal that gives expression to Latino/a experience and faith. This book will weave together these three strands of reflection into the first truly comprehensive Latino/a theology of God.