
Team Members/Contributors

Mark Miller-McLemore Disciples Divinity House Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

This project will ask: Why don’t churches use theological criteria for decisions at a programmatic and organizational level? Pastors and congregations seem to miss the importance of theological coherence in leadership practices. They lack usable models for integration at this level.

This is a project in the practical theology of leadership in ministry. It will:

• explore the role of theological coherence in strengthening congregational character, theological identity, and faithfulness, and

• develop and propose practical models by which pastors and congregations can build coherence in programmatic and organizational life.

Theological orientation obviously shapes differences in congregational practices of worship, ministry, Bible study, polity, and piety. Denominational agencies and presses once provided theologically appropriate programmatic materials. Now, church leadership authors and consultants downplay the role of theological fit in relation to strategy and program. In contrast, they emphasize such organizational aspects as congregational size, life cycle, and psychological dynamics. Pastors and churches uncritically adopt programs and strategies with embedded theologies that clash with local faith perspectives. The resulting discontinuities weaken theologically centered organizations such as churches. Disciplined attention to theologically grounded and coherent congregational leadership will strengthen congregational life.