Fuzzyscape: Ambiguities in Human Living and Their Impact on Faith

Team Members/Contributors

Marty A. Bullis Windy Hill Village (Presbyterian Senior Living) Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

Augustine noted, the concept of time is simple at first glance, yet as one investigates the concept many ambiguities present themselves. My 2002 doctoral dissertation in philosophy explored many of these ambiguities. As I taught about temporal ambiguities in university, church and healthcare settings, I discovered that the ambiguities themselves can remarkably stimulate personal faith and prayer by leading to a sense of wonder about God. This led me to study other areas where ambiguities surface, along with people’s reactions to them. I realized that pastoral instruction is necessary, because our natural reaction is to avoid or subvert ambiguities, through anti-intellectualism and legalism in the church and by scientism and technologism in society. So, I developed teaching materials and a manuscript to guide people in the spiritual art of prayerfully embracing ambiguity.

The Pastoral Study Project would allow me to complete a publishable manuscript and accompanying study guide, with the aim of informing people of the importance of embracing ambiguity in their faith practices. My literary agent has found interest for the book with publishers and brief expressions of these ideas in my Journey Series devotionals (Regal Books) have been well received.

I will also form a small but diverse cohort of Christian professionals from around the country to dialogue about this project and ambiguities within their fields, with the aim of sharing this work within other faith communities. I will also maintain an instructional website (fuzzy-scape.com) to promote this work.