Gathering Stories, Envisioning Equity: Towards a Peace Church where all leaders thrive, regardless of gender

“Jesus listened to and empowered women as leaders; our Peace Churches are stronger when we follow his example. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Amy Zimbelman Mountain States Mennonite Conference Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

Anabaptists consider Jesus to be the center of their faith, and Jesus was radical in his support of women in leadership. When church communities follow his example by calling and empowering people regardless of gender, these churches are better able to resist oppressive forces, embody a more complete picture of what God is like, and set an example for current and future generations.

Yet despite having gifts to serve the church, women who lead in Mennonite Church USA contexts today are not always supported in the ways they need, and sometimes leave ministry as a result.

I want to explore the questions: what are the experiences of women who have left ministry in MC USA settings and the experiences of women who have had long careers in this denomination, and can their stories inform us to better create cultures and institutions where all leaders thrive, regardless of gender?

I will initially investigate these questions by collaborating with MC USA's Women in Leadership ministry to conduct research via polls of women throughout the denomination. I will then further investigate these experiences via interviews with leaders, especially seeking the perspectives of diverse women, including from BIPOC communities. I hope to record the interviews and turn some of them into published articles and sermons. Additionally, in my role as Conference Minister, I will present the information to my conference to inform our decision-making, and will offer my findings to MC USA leaders, who are reevaluating various policies (including sexual misconduct and safe sanctuary policies) in the near future.

My hope is that this project would have a tangible impact on my own conference and on the denomination as we reevaluate our policies and practices. My vision is a Peace Church where those who embody all types of diversity would feel drawn to ministry, feel satisfaction in their work, and stay in ministry for the long haul.