Becoming Agents of Grace: Equipping Sanctuary Leadership

“Exploring the responses of various communities of faith offering and supporting sanctuary, I will develop and share resources for the ongoing study of why and how to participate in a “new” sanctuary movement, loving our migrant neighbors through advocacy and action. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Joanne Elise Engquist Gethsemane Lutheran Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

In my project I will engage in a brief review of relevant materials exploring the nature of church and the role of the church as advocate for neighbors. I will communicate with leadership in current locations of "sanctuary" in the United States, compiling information on processes of identifying themselves as sanctuary and what that was intended to mean in their respective situations alongside what it has meant. I am curious to explore the breadth of this designation – both as theological narrative and in practical terms as lived experience in faith communities.

This work correlates to a national movement responding to current government actions widely regarded as xenophobic and anti-immigrant. Calling for a “prophetic and bold voice” to speak out against these policies and practices, the New Sanctuary Movement organizes communities of faith to be equipped for “sacred resistance.” Leaders in many interested communities seek additional resources to begin and to shape the conversations needed in their settings. Others desire assistance in understanding how sanctuary actions strengthen and support democracy rather than promote lawlessness.

In developing discussion resources to inform the process of exploring what sanctuary could mean in local communities, this project will help respond to the many questions already being asked while also deepening the inquiry about new expressions of this ancient religious practice. I will compile and address (1) questions about processes of declaring sanctuary, especially in local churches; (2) theological/biblical underpinnings of sanctuary; (3) lived practices as sanctuary communities and their supporters. Further, I will create resources in various formats (video, audio, digital) to be available online which will allow this information to be widely available to those considering and/or learning about sanctuary in the current context.