Prophets, Harlots, Witches & Warriors: Untamed Women of Bible Leading Us Through the Wilderness of Faith

“…How does a woman (or everyone) not only read Bible but construct faith around texts that do violence to women? Where does woman find herself in Bible? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Sherry Cothran St. John's United Methodist Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

With the book, I will utilize the stories of what I call the "untamed women" of Bible, particularly Old Testament, whose stories remain hidden in plain sight. Utilizing research from the work of feminist theologians and scholars such as Esther Fuchs, Wilda Gafney, Mieke Bal, Julia Kristeva, Claudia V. Camp and others. I plan to trace the pathways in which the feminine voice is not only suppressed but somewhat erased from the ancient Hebrew story. That is the deconstruction aspect of the work. For the answer to the question, which is the book itself, I will enter into a reconstruction of women’s identity within text, then move into the ways in which Bible can be used to reconstruct women’s identity in a life of faith by using rare and somewhat unexplored texts within biblical narrative in which female characters are actors rather than reactors. These female characters are archetypal in nature and as such, can be utilized to identify patterns present in human experience that are difficult to unlock when one is a victim of patriarchal oppression. These characters are empowering figures for women and the narrators have left their stories in the text.

Using the work of female scholars and theologians, and interviewing women from the Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico who still operate under a matriarchal culture, I will explore archetypal female characters within text and other indigenous cultures and how their stories can act as a framework of reconstruction for women today. These characters are: the class of Warrior- Prophet women, Female Prophets, Female Warriors, War Heroes, Martyrs, Sages, Wise Old Women, Shaman, The Wild Woman and even Harlots. As women find themselves in the powerful stories of these somewhat rare and hidden female characters, women and men can create new narratives of faith out of old stories of oppression by following the very women who did the same in their time.

Companion curriculum & CD included with plans for touring/workshops.