HSD and the Emergence of the Kingdom of God: Complexity Readings of the New Testament

“…so that leaders can make wise adaptive actions in their organizations. I believe HSD may also be a valuable interpretive tool for reading scripture. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Jennifer Davis Sensenig Community Mennonite Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

I want to engage a study of NT literature through the lens of complexity theory, using tools developed through the Human System Dynamics Institute. The HSD Institute is not a religiously-affiliated organization, though their staff serve as trainers for various Christian organizations. I have taken a week-long intensive course through HSD in the past and I believe one of their weekend certification courses would allow me to work with their models more rigorously applying them to my reading of one gospel and either Acts or a NT epistle. This certification would also allow me to have ongoing consultation with HSD staff as I develop my work with NT interpretation under complex and changing conditions of congregational life and our broader society.

My hypothesis is that the kingdom of God is, in the language of human systems, emergent and therefore noticing the pattern of the kingdom and amplifying it can be a skill we can hone (individually and congregationally) even though we cannot control the kingdom, or bring it about in our own power. Developing awareness of the conditions for change and the desirable pattern (kingdom of God) can lead us into wiser decisions about our ministry on multiple levels (personal, small group, congregation, denomination, local community, society.) Furthermore, I believe we can see these kinds of wise actions in the NT literature in the midst of complexity that matches the complexity we face as pastors and congregations. My hope is to develop short Biblical interpretations (articles, sermons, Bible studies, etc) which acknowledge and engage the complex realities we face in our world, while also setting favorable conditions for receiving and living the kingdom of God. In the language of HSD the outcome of this project might be understood in terms of designing exchanges that amplify a desirable pattern.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
  Strategy and adaptive action 2017 Magazine Article Jennifer Davis Sensenig
June 2018, Page 35