At The Crossroad Of Theodicy And Practical Theology

“… crucible of their crisis and determine how the church may serve as a model for help, healing and hope for Pastors in deep crisis and real human pain. ”

Team Members/Contributors

Ruby M. Wilson Safe Haven United Church of Christ Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

This Pastoral Study Project will explore the subject of theodicy through research, a critical exegetical study of the book of Job, and collaborative engagement with clergy and their congregations. I will seek to identify the challenges faced by Pastoral leaders while they are in the crucible of their own crisis and determine how the church may serve as a model for help, healing and hope for their leaders.

Four pastors from UCC congregations will engage in serious, collaborative biblical study, spiritual disciplines and contemplative reflection through the reading and exegete of the book of Job and providing a written response to questions that probe their theology and the practical implications of their theology for them and their congregations. Onsite visits will examine ways Pastoral leaders have handled deep personal crises over the past decade, what role the congregation has played in this, if any, and their theological understanding and grounding for managing crisis.

An effort will be made to have ethnically and culturally diverse congregations represented to determine what (if any) factors make a difference in the nature and quality of Pastoral self-care, and the congregational response to Pastoral crisis.