Journeying Together: Traditional Congregations With Emergent Expressions

Team Members/Contributors

John M Spicer St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

My project is a sabbatical study of sacramental Protestant congregations that have created emergent expressions of church alongside traditional expressions. I will visit 10 Episcopalian and Church of England congregations of varying size and context, interviewing leaders and members. Based on lessons gleaned from their experiences, I will write a book to help leaders of stable congregations discern whether and how they might create emergent expressions of church while continuing to foster more traditional models of church life. The book will offer the stories of these leading-edge congregations: their motivations for connecting with their communities in new ways; the effect of their cultures and leadership models; the importance of dedicated financial resources; the help (or hindrance) of judicatory leaders and structures; stumbling blocks and Sprit-filled moments; outcomes thus far and trajectories for the future. Topics will include assessing a congregation’s culture, its leadership model, the availability of resources, the congregation’s desired outcomes, the expectations of its leaders and members, the needs of its neighborhood, and the Holy Spirit’s work already underway in the neighborhood. The common paths in these stories will show how stable congregations might join in the movement toward creating a new Church.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
Beating the Boundaries: The Church God Is Calling Us to Be 2016 Book John M Spicer