Theology as a Second Language

Team Members/Contributors

Claudia A. Ramisch Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Owensboro Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

The purpose of this project is to advance the work of interfaith dialogue at the local (non-academic, non-professional) level. It will upgrade and expand a congregationally based Spiritual Mentoring Program for use by other congregations and faith organizations. The program teaches a common method of theological reflection, a style of conversation, and a very basic literacy in the world’s religions. The intention of formation in the program is to make people aware of their own operative theology, to equip them to recognize different theological traditions when they hear them, to teach them to ask respectful and clarifying questions of practitioners of different traditions, and to build interfaith connections at the most basic level of relationships—the neighborhood, the workplace, the community center. In short, it teaches theology as a second language to the practice of one’s own faith tradition. The materials to be produced can also be used within a faith community and by organizations training volunteers in naturally interfaith settings (e.g. hospitals, jails, senior or community services.)

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
Introduction to Interfaith Dialogue 2015 Book Claudia A. Ramisch