Adaptive Leadership for the Mainline Church

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Grant Hagiya United Methodist Church Contact Me

About this pastoral study project

I have read much of the secular literature on Adaptive Leadership by Ron Heifetz, Marty Linsky, Dean Williams, and Alexander Grashow. I am attempting to apply the theory of Adaptive Leadership to the life of my own denomination, the United Methodist Church. I believe that Adaptive Leadership provides the best leadership response to the decline of the mainline church, and the reality of our post-religious U.S. culture.

To further my work in Adaptive Leadership, I would like to take two classes offered by Heifetz and Linsky at the Harvard Business School. I believe that the direct experience of working with Heifetz and Linsky will enable me to take the next leap of being able to deeply integrate their concepts into the life of the church.

This deeper integrative work with take three forms: First, it will assist me in the design and implementation of the strategic work that is necessary for the denomination that I serve. Second, the deeper application will be in the teaching of laity and clergy the practices of Adaptive Leadership. Finally, in reflection and writing on the practice of Adaptive Leadership for the mainline church, I hope to extend the dialogue to a larger audience.