Loving Sex Latina/menta: Envisioning a Relevant Catholic Sexual Ethic

Team Members/Contributors

Teresa Delgado Iona College Contact Me

About this first book grant for scholars of color

This project, "Loving Sex Latina/mente: Envisioning a Relevant Catholic Sexual Ethic," offers a timely critique of, and constructive contribution to, Christian sexual ethics through the lens of Catholic moral theology. I contend that three distinct contemporary crises – the alarming rate of sexual abuse by clergy, the disillusionment of Roman Catholic youth struggling to reconcile their faith with sexuality, and the double scourge of HIV/AIDS and sexual violence among Latinas in the U.S. – share a common thread: a doctrine of sexuality that privileges the double bind of procreation/unity as exclusive norms for licit sexual expression. This double bind has damaging implications when experienced by vulnerable populations within a hierarchical ordering of relationship that continues to adhere to the duality of spirit and body: clergy/children, elders/youth, men/women. "Loving Sex" offers a new sexual paradigm for the Christian Church because it conveys both the ground of relationality and the openness to grace, both constitutive elements for Christian theological anthropology, as ethical starting points for the vulnerability of placing one’s body into the hands of another, of affirming the words “this is my body which is given for you,” with integrity, truth, right relation and justice. Envisioning a relevant sexual ethic is particularly significant for the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S. since, according to a recent study conducted by the Pew Forum (2008), younger "cradle Catholics" are leaving the Church, Hispanics are replacing these “cradle Catholics,” and this rising immigrant population currently constitutes approximately 30% of U.S. Catholics, nearly half of whom are under the age of 40. Attending to the experience of communities trying to be faithful AND sexual, “Loving Sex" entails both pleasure in sexual expression and sexual expression that is loving, communicating care for the other and extending beyond the boundaries of procreation and unity.