A Faith of Our Own: The Creation of Hybrid Korean American Churches

Team Members/Contributors

Sharon Shin Kim California State University, Fullerton Contact Me

About this first book grant for scholars of color

Second generation Korean Americans, with an unparalleled entrepreneurial fervor, are developing new churches that aim to shape the future of American Christianity. The development of second generation Korean American churches is a recent and rapidly growing phenomenon in major cities throughout the United States. The proliferation of new churches established by the children of Korean immigrants is historically unprecedented. No other immigrant group has witnessed its second generation reinventing and replanting ethnic churches at quite the same level as Korean Americans. My book, A Faith of Our Own, investigates the development and growth of second generation churches in the Los Angeles area, where the largest population of Koreans in America reside. Immigration historians have depicted the second generation as a transitional generation-on the steady march toward the inevitable decline of ethnic identity and allegiance. My book suggests an alternative route. By harnessing religion and innovatively creating hybrid religious institutions, second generation Korean Americans are assertively defining and shaping their own ethnic and religious futures. Rather than assimilating into mainstream churches or inheriting the churches of their immigrant parents, second generation pastors are creating their own hybrid third spaces-new autonomous churches that are shaped by multiple frames of reference.

Image Title Year Type Contributor(s) Other Info
A Faith of Our Own: Second-Generation Spirituality in Korean American Churches 2010 Book Sharon Shin Kim