Evangelicals Engaging a Multifaith World

“… and academics who will explore the the question, How might Evangelicals be more effective as they engage their neighbors in a multi-faith world? ”

Team Members/Contributors

Carrie A. Graham United Methodist Church Contact Me
Bob Roberts NorthWood Church Contact Me
Philip K. Wyman North Shore Church Contact Me
Sang-Ehil Han Pentecostal Theological Seminary Contact Me
Paul Louis Metzger Multnomah Biblical Seminary Contact Me
John Winton Morehead Evangelical Chapter of the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy Contact Me

About this collaborative inquiry team discontinued

This project brings together pastors and academics as a team that will identify ways in which Evangelicals can be more effective as they engage their neighbors in a multifaith world. While Evangelicals have their challenges in this area and many times pursue methods that are ineffective, there are also a number of Evangelicals and churches that are pursuing effective ways of engagement. Our team will conduct case studies that explore how such churches are able to engage in positive forms of interaction with other faiths, and how they have wrestled with the challenges and concerns that often contribute to ineffective encounters. These studies will provide important insights that will comprise a new neighborhood theology and praxis of interreligious engagement that maintains faithfulness to Evangelical convictions, and which embraces the Christian values of love of neighbor, grace, and hospitality.

Our team members bring extensive training, education, and experience to this subject matter. In addition, our team is diverse, including not only pastors and academics, but also a diversity of perspectives entailing ethnic, gender, theological and denominational backgrounds, as well as geographical locations.

Given our team's networking connections, the outcomes of our team exploration have the potential to be disseminated within significant venues of Evangelicalism for strategic and maximum impact on the local church.